Design. Illustration. Art.


Reality Cheddar, Not So Stinky

Live videostreaming—coined 'Lifecasting' by Justin Kan (always an exhibitionist apparently)—has become a recent trend thanks to the popularity of and the accessibility of, a company that wisely jumped onto the videostreaming bandwagon and capitalized on Justin's popularity. Via Ustream, I've been able to view some of my favorite podasters at work, visit Hawaiian beaches, and watch Chris Pirillo be incredibly goofy. And now, my friends, I can watch cheese! The forward-thinking cheesemakers at West Country Farmhouse have given us You think I jest, but I think it's brilliant! It merges a very old tradition with a very new one, and how else could a Westcombe farmhouse cheddar make a Geek Brief? You can also view a time lapse video of the aging, as well as suggest a name for the the cheese. After much deliberation (and some Wikipedia research), I submitted Wesleydale. I think it's quite fitting.